About Me

Nana Adwoa was only 7 years old when she stood before a congregation to minister in songs. By then she had already developed a passion for gospel music and that opportunity was the foundation for what was to come in her music career. Her greatest inspiration was her grandfather who instilled that love for gospel music in her. The eldest of 6 children, she moved from Ghana where she was born to the USA when she turned 13.
In 2010, she relocated from Worcester to Atlanta where she met her husband, Hon. Nana Nimoh. He became her greatest supporter and ally, connecting her to other gospel artistes and helping her to record her first album. After graduating with a degree in Pharmacy Tech, Nana Adwoa responded to the call of God to dedicate herself fully to the music ministry. Her greatest desire has been to touch the lives of people and minister the word of God to them through song. She is a mentor and counsellor to many young females, mentoring them in the ways of God and teaching them to remain beautiful inside and out. She also has a great passion to help under privileged children get off the streets, get a proper education and become all God has called them to be. She is passionate about her vision to reduce maternal mortality especially with underprivileged women in Ghana.
Her spiritual parents, Bishop Frank Ofosu-Appiah and Reverend Mrs. Mary Ofosu-Appiah refer to her as ‘The Next Big Thing”. This is because Nana Adwoa’s love and passion for God shines through her music. Her heart is evident through her worship ministry and she touches the lives of all those who encounter her. She desires that God will be glorified in everything she does.

My Testimony
I got married to the love of my life in 2013. After conceiving my first child a few weeks later, the devil suddenly attacked. I started experiencing migraines so severe that the strongest pain killers couldn’t numb the pain. I was rushed to the emergency room at least twice a week due to the migraines. The pain worsened every time I mounted the pulpit to minister. I knew the devil had a plan to take not only my worship, but my life as well. I had a strong faith in God who is Jehovah Rapha, my healer.
The doctors couldn’t figure out what was causing the headaches and recommended an MRI. I was then in my first trimester and was told by the specialist that my pregnancy could be affected by the radiation. My faith still held firm and I decided to go ahead with it. The MRI revealed nothing so the doctor recommended a lumber puncture. This required that fluids were sucked out of my spinal cord for subsequent tests but it resulted in paralysis which lasted for weeks. But through it all I was supported by my husband, extended family and servants of God who helped me pray. And even though the procedure could have potentially affected my unborn child, God protected him.
As if that was not enough, the doctors found that a part of my brain was swollen and fluids were leaking into my brain. I was given a week to abort my unborn child and undergo emergency surgery or the diagnosis was that I would die. But I was convinced that this would end in victory so I chose to believe God’s report and not man’s.
Even though the migraines persisted and the pain never went away, and even though the strong narcotic drugs given to help reduce the pain did not work, God still gave me the strength to carry on and I safely delivered my son. God has never failed His children. He makes a name for Himself anytime He is put to the test. “Who has believed our message and to whom has the Hand of the Lord been revealed?” Isaiah 53:1 NIV. God has indeed revealed His strong arm to my son and I . We are living testimonies.
Small acts have a significant impact.
Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.
( Galatians 6:9-10 )